Top 5 reasons to watch films form china Hong Kong and South Korea.

Here are some of the major reasons you want to start getting into films from over seas

number one: The SJW agenda.

OK OK i know that a lot of you guys are not blind about the current state of thing in american entertainment called SJW where folks are sacrificing good storytelling for a political agenda no one cares about. I get the freedom of speech and all but the facts are no one goes to the movies to get a message about your options we go to the movies to be entertained not for subliminal brain washing sorry folks.

Number two: Hollywood has ran out of ideas for original stories. Gone is the great age of storytelling where people would come up with new ideas form being inspired by old ideas and classic tales form the past. A good example would be the original star wars movies where toy boy Lucas wanted to make a Flash Gordon film but could not get the rights to make one so instead he mix a bunch of classic stories and elements together to make one of the most timeless trilogy’s of all time. Fast forward and now we don’t that we get sequels prequels remakes and so on rather then original stories that were inspired by old tales but in South Korea?

My goodness you got the Villainess which can be seen as another La Femme Nikita but don’t get it twisted this movie is it’s own thing another great one is the man who came form nowhere. A great film I saw this year was immortal demon slayer the legend of sun wukong which was a awesome movie go see it but bottom line you will not get content like this form Hollywood sorry folks.

Number three: There films are just catching up to them. All right here it is some of there films just have a longer list of genres to choose form china has the Wuxia genre which is now one of my personal favorites now some of them suck OK but this movie called THE FOUR just blow me away when I saw it for the first time i was amazed now I would just find myself watching the movie again and again. Now I have not watched all three films yet but so far I loved what I seen then I took a look at what kind of films we have to look forward to in 2020? well 007 is a chick who may or may not be gay? Marvel films are going to start sucking now because somebody invented the term woke and we are still going to get way to many remakes rather then original content. Meanwhile, in China somebody just film movies called the wolf warrior 1 and 2 OK I will admit that part two does have some agenda behind it because of the whole Africa and China thing but I still like the movie I don’t love it I like it and I can see why it was a major hit in china but I would say go watch the first one before you watch part two because you may not even like it. Number four: sigh….It is just not the time to be watching modern Hollywood cinema. Well, my brothers and sisters I wish I could say this is the best time to be living but we all know that somewhere along the line something happen? I am still not sure when this stuff went down but by the time I knew what was going on it was the age of disillusionment. A time where folks lose or throw away common sense for nonsense where folks stop thinking about facts and only thing about enforcing alternative ways of thought where if you so much as say you do not agree with there way of thinking then you get called a bigot man baby or homophobic Transphobic Cis or worst then that just form having a opinion? the age of free thinking is falling and fast so am choosing not to be apart of it by not entering into there conversations or engage in there way of thinking. Am just going to stick to my own line and stick to my affairs like this blog so if you like me are tired of this age of disillusionment then I recommend to stay as far away for this as possible. Number five: OK OK the best reason you want to get into these films? They are just freaking awesome movies these films are not something you are ever going to see out of Hollywood’s snot-hole these films just kick the bricks off of most modern USA movies the raid 1 and 2 my wife is a gangster series raging phoenix scandal makers punch lady Kung Fu killer and journey to the west series or if you love horror take. a look at train to Busan. As for ways to watch these films? easy stream or rent for free at a local library my favorite. Well I hope I have given you folks OK reasons for why you might want to check out what Hong Kong mainland china south Korea and Bangkok is up to in the house of ideas.

Published by redserventx

Retro gamer tokusatsu anime & manga fan martial arts pro wrestling fan and over all nerd. I started this blog for the purposes of sharing my passions and interest to you the readers.

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