Born of night review

Here is my review of one of my all time favorite books burn of night.Story time when i first read this i was a older teen in a local library when i was just looking for some audio books to read and then by chance i found this first book in a start of a awesome series by dark hunter writer sherrilyn kenyon.

I loved this book when i first finished it ok the story is set in another universe that has elements of our world where the English language is know as universal. This world you get space pirates assassins outlaw heroes and princes and empires all that star warsy stuff.

THE STORY Nykyrian Quikiades was a command assassin for the league but when he is given one order that goes beyond his morals he turns his back on the organization and goes on the run.

And took up the identity of nemesis and started his own rebel group know as The sentella to protect and fight against the corrupt government that made him the Legendary assassin that he is today.

Fast forward Kiara Zamir princess and famous dancer is kidnap and taken prisoner on a ship where she gets save by the nemesis and the rogue assassin group sentella and this where our story starts.

You see this series starts off as a romantic novel but in order to get to the part where the books evolve into the awesomeness that is Born of legend you have to start here where it all begins.

The characters Nykyrian is Rated m for manly he is a amalgamation of two of kenyons characters form the dark hunter verse nick and kyrian of thrace. He has a past filled with blood betrayal and violence.

Not getting into spoilers here but long stories short his childhood is a big part of not only who he is but of one of the major twist near the end of the book. skills and powers because of his Half-Human nature he has enhanced strength super hearing and senses.

combat training form the league he has advanced combat skills military background and vast knowledge of the grim art of death there is a reason he was the greatest assassin the league has ever produce.  

Kiara Zamir she is the female lead of our story her past is not as bad as nyk’s but her backstory is simple she is royalty and a lot of folks want royal’s dead combat wise she is a scraper but nothing to write home about.  

She starts that story one way but in the end she goes form being a young girl to being a more wiser strong and mature woman. She is naive in the beginning but that naivete hinds a surprising toughness.

C I sin is nyk’s best friend with a past that is all most as bad as his. story wise he is a set up for the next book born of fire but i would skip that one. He goes form felon to doctor to assassin with a Ph’d he is one of my favorite characters.

THE VILLAINS Not much to say about them they range form the psychotic to completely insane Aksel Bredah is one of nyk’s crazy adoptive brothers this guy hates him to the point of madness again not much to say about him so moving on. 

My take on the novel now is it is not as good as some of the later books in the series she releases with born of fury being the start of some of her better novels which the very best currently is born of legend but like i said please read at less some of the first books first.

Before you read legend please read the book born of night on its own is just a romantic novel and if you read some of her other works like dark hunter then you will be right at him here.Again i like the book but it is just hold down by the fact that it is a romantic novel. 4 out of 5

Published by redserventx

Retro gamer tokusatsu anime & manga fan martial arts pro wrestling fan and over all nerd. I started this blog for the purposes of sharing my passions and interest to you the readers.

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