Dr stone Review.

Dr stone is one of the best surprises for me this year.Hands down one of the best new hits out right now. I watch the first few episodes and i liked what i seen form this series so far.

THE STORY. The story is about a normal highschooler who is about to confess his feeling to the girl he is in love with when a mysterious light turns everyone form human and birds into stone.

It starts taiju oki our book dumb hero of the story and the super smart senku ishigami ok i think the mangaka knew he mess up and that taiju can not carry the story not with his lack of skills and persona. You see taiju is a strong labor worker but unlike the big bad of the story he is no fighter he is non violent.

Which means that he had to give the role of lead character to senku but by doing this he had to give senku his very own flashback episode which mirrors the very first episode of Dr stone which was great.

I swear that when they made it to the part about gun powder i said ok it sounds like you would need at less salt peter sulfur and charcoal but the question i had was how where they going to get there hands on the salt peter? and when they answered the question i was like oh i did not know that.

If you ask me this gives away that the writer/mangaka must have ether did his research or has a background major in science. Man i love it when writers add there own know how in there stories it just gives it more of a edge over most stories.

But enough about that before we get into the villains part let me first tell you about one more part that tell me he change his mind and had to make senku the current main of the story. He had to give him a new sub character who could keep up with him.

Because we all know it could not be taiju he pick a pre science type character named Chrome who is all most just as smart as senku but he is held back by his lack of knowledge which senku brings to the table to help him with. This was one of the smartest moves the mangaka made story wise.

The villains. OK the first bad guy of the arc is a brawn over brains type character named  Tsukasa Shishio, “The Strongest Primate High Schooler. What do i think about him well he can fight and has a high intellect but his intelligence is more the cunning of in animal rather then the book smarts of senku’s.

This is one of senku’s most dangerous foes in the current arc of the story and that he can not beat him in a one on one fight. He has to fight him with his mind and that is what makes there conflict interesting. Tsukasa whats to start a new age based on strength with only young folks around while senku wants to start one based on science and the love of knowledge.

Tsukasa maybe strong and capable of killing lions with his bare hands it is all most nothing compared to the inventions that senku brings to the world like oh sorry am not going to say because i read the manga two so i all ready know what is coming for the anime version.

Dr stone is a great series that takes a brake form the over used tropes of martial arts action based manga which can just be a rehash of much better stories don’t get me wrong i love a good fight sometimes but i just want something with a bit more of a story behind it. I give Dr stone a well earn 5 out of 5.

Published by redserventx

Retro gamer tokusatsu anime & manga fan martial arts pro wrestling fan and over all nerd. I started this blog for the purposes of sharing my passions and interest to you the readers.

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