OK ok i know some folks are not into free to play games but i have been interested in this one for years and when i finally played it? was good for awhile

But soon i realized that there is a lot of grinding so much so that it would take mouths to even get enough in game money to spend it on the best items and fighting style/scrolls in the game.

What is the game about? well the game is trying to mix super smash tekken kof etc but with no arcade mode and with a community that is somewhat lacking in wanting to play with you

It could make playing the game kind of boring now do play every now and then when i got nothing to do. But i have a hard time recommending it for folks who may have something better to play like league of legends.

Things i did like about the game custom character plus a large library of fighting styles to pick form the downsides. EVERYTHING IS TO EXPENSIVE to where you have to ether pay for the stuff you want and grind for mouths just to make your character the way you want it to be.

Here is my guide to playing if you want to at less try the game out. Pick the alchemist class and use the boxing scroll while you still have it right then just grind AI mode and spam the one two punch combo move.

So the computer can not stop you from make combos but set the ai for normal right.Then just keep making 35 hits on the computer so the game can throw you free in game money and items when you level up but don’t keep any of it because when you beat survival mode.

ALL THE FREE GEAR YOU EARN WILL BE TAKEN AWAY.So you should focus on your in game currency while you have it which should be a lot if you did it right can get you some free items/scrolls. And by the best scrolls/styles shoot boxing is a spam easy scroll to use that and dragon is a good one but you may want to go with rage instead.

You can all so go with the no need for RC package if you have enough which will give you kingpin not a easy scroll but still a good one that plus stinger which is a slow but stronger version of shoot boxing.

If you just one to play it’s a ok game but if you want something else that does that require you to grind or use real money I say go else where maybe league of legends? 3 out of 5.

Published by redserventx

Retro gamer tokusatsu anime & manga fan martial arts pro wrestling fan and over all nerd. I started this blog for the purposes of sharing my passions and interest to you the readers.

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