Here is a comparison blog about two of my favorite anime shows mob psycho 100 and one punch man.I am going to compare animation story and over all entertainment value of each series.

NUMBER ONE the animation ok here is what i did not like about one punch man season two the way the new studio drew metal or whatever they did it just does not look right. It just looks off putting to me and how madhouse drew steel. Genos who is a fan favorite looks just straight terrible this season.

I just don’t understand where they were going with this CGI metal chrome look? sigh….But don’t get me wrong sometimes the animation looks fine like the fight with Garou and Tank top master i think that was one of the moments where the animation was at its best.

Downside is because of the way they were going with the CGI there are moments when you are watching it and then out of nowhere CGI comes in and takes me out of the show.

Mob psycho 100 on the other hand for me it’s style of animation is being influence by the original creator One. I know folks complain a lot about One’s art style but honestly his style is not that bad i mean if they can animate this art style there is no way his style sucks.

Now for the animation well it is just endearing to me because there is some episodes that just…you can see the raw emotion of characters and there expressions and feelings in the animation of the show as for fights i will save that for the next part.

NUMBER TWO FIGHTS…One punch man’s fights range form pretty good to not as good as last season where you are watching a fight but then you see the major weekness come out which is the animation.

Best fights i like were Metal bat vs Garou Metal bat vs elder centipede and Garou vs Tank top master.Fights i did not like where Genos vs Sonic which was my favorite in the manga but there CGI metal genos does not work for me as for the other fights like the ones in the tournament arc i did not care for them.

Mob psycho 100……Brothers and sisters if you like the fights form season 1? you are going to lose your stuff this season with Mob ok ok SPOILERS because i need to be free to write about this ok we good here we go. All most every fight with Mob in it was my favorite fight but my all time favorite was shimazaki vs teru and friends/Ex claw members form last season.

Because all the effects with him using his esper powers was just awesome him porting everywhere and the part where he pulls out his minds eye the moment i saw that scene i was like everybody get’s wreak. So yeah Mob went all out with there fights this time around especially there villains speaking off villains?

NUMBER THREE THE VILLAINS…All right one punch man kind of lose this one because of there new villain protagonist Garou who is mixed for me there are somethings i like about him but went it comes to a origin story for villains his is rather week.

I don’t know the story in general this time around is slow because the second part is going to be better but i will talk about that in a second. The monster association i really could not get anything form them at present but the idea is good just not done well.

Like i know Garou is the main character for this arc it is just that went i think about it. I wonder why could they not give us more backstory and time with this monster association? i would have like to get to see more of the villains of this group but you know why we don’t get to learn more?…Because we don’t get to find out until next season.

There flat ok the bad guys here are flat so again set up. Now Mob psycho 100 villains….There great ok they are just interesting. And that went the story gets to the main point this season and the real story begins.You see that our heroes got off easy last time.

But this time around they have to deal with high level big bad’s ranging form a teleporter and a shadow king level esper that is the final boss of season two the facts are that went you get to the villains origins and reasons for why they are doing this you really get into the anime and it keeps you into it.

NUMBER FOUR THE STORY I know i should have talk about this first but i had to get the thing i hated most about out of the way but here we go.Story wise Mob psycho 100 takes it again because unlike one punch man this season Mob makes the first few episodes a set up and makes the last half of the episodes.

The major story of the season which is great because one punch man’s whole S2 is just one big set up for next season which is why it just comes out flat went compared Mob’s S2 in general One punch man S2 is about the rise of the villain know as Garou which is mainly just us seeing who saitama is going to beat later so again not very interesting.

Mob psycho 100 S2 on the other hand is like season 1 but it’s just continuing the story form last season where Mob goes back to his normal life dealing with thugs trying like hell to rob him and fail it..No wonder they call him mob.

But after some filler the same enemies he had to deal with last time comeback for more only this time he has to deal with foes that are all most just as powerful as him and they are not playing.

OVERALL The winner for me is clearly Mob psycho 100 S2 because one animation takes it right off the bat the story is done in a way where half is filler the other half is the main story but stuff form the filler does effect the main arc of the story.As for rating i say One punch gets 3 out of 5 not bad just not as great as last season and Mob gets 5 out of 5 a sheer masterpiece.

Published by redserventx

Retro gamer tokusatsu anime & manga fan martial arts pro wrestling fan and over all nerd. I started this blog for the purposes of sharing my passions and interest to you the readers.

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