Tokyo revengers review

Ok I know it has been awhile but stuff happens and here I am. Number one the story. Ok let me start off by telling you that this is one of the best time travel stories sense back to the future. it starts a man named Takemichi who is living in a rundown apartment with trash everywhere our unlikely hero is watching the news where he sees his ex lover form his school days killed in a traffic accident. fast foreword after going thought his everyday stuff he gets push off a train platform and is killed off scene where it then jumps to 2006 where he is a kid again where he used to be a wannabe thug after going though the whole day he ends up in a playground where he is talking to his girl’s brother Naoto here he tells him his sis is going to die in 12 years and to protect her when they shake hands. He jumps back to the his original timeline where he wakes up to find A adult Naoto to tell him yeah he did time travel but his sister still dies. So long stories short this is where our story begins. A long journey though time to change the fate of his friends and his lover. Ok Now I have check the manga out and a few episodes of the anime so am review this as a whole with no Spoilers. SHORT VERSION he has to join a old school bosuzuku gang rise to the top without any true combat skill and somehow change the future. The story is a very well written story where he goes back and change one thing but then this happens so he goes back again does this but then something else happens. The time travel rules are simple he can only go back 12 years to his own timeline and not anywhere else and he has to shake hands with someone closest to his personal timeline. Number two THE CHARACTERS takemichi is not your average shonen hero he is not a yusuke urameshi this guy is our underdog hero where his best feet of strength is his sheer toughness he can take a beating this guy does not believe in concussions really. He cries a lot though out the story but this guy will grow on you as the tale goes along. Then there is Mikey and Draken those dudes are black air forces incarnate Draken unlike Mikey is just a hood brother who fights with all the strength a mere street brawler as for Mikey his BFF he is one of the few characters with true martial skill under his belt but as the story goes there is a hidden darkside to him and this anime gets dark I mean real dark. My personal favorite character is smiley guy smiles while giving someone a raw beating what’s not to love here then there is Takemichi’s friends who would ride or die for him. Naoto is my second favorite one because aside form being the first true ally he has though out the course of the story. My man right here has a very high IQ he would have to be even understand have of this time travel stuff. Number three the fights oh boy the fights can get real out here in the anime the fights or so much more detailed and much more fun not saying the manga fights are not great because they are. You got our guy who can not be knockout and has in insane pain threshold and or other protagonist who is just the MVP of the gang. You got one scene where a guy punches someone so hard that it look like his neck broke and then you got smiley mounting and pounding while smiling a fool. Guys are you sure you are middle schoolers??? you guys are way to gangster for middle school. Number three THE VILLIANS hold hold hold on now this may be really spoiler alert warning here so for the sake of keeping it clean no names only nicknames form here on ok first to start off with this gang that takemichi is in will grow to be a major crime syndicate in his timeline can you believe a bike gang form middle school…never mind ok Tokyo majin gang rises to power and there is this one dude who is the main reason behind this let’s call him the bastard this guy has to be one of the best major anime villain’s in anime/manga history this guy is as smart as Naoto maybe smarter and can throw hands better then Takemichi but don’t get it twisted he is just a basic hood fighter and then you have his right hand man with the ink on his hand who like Take can be all most impossible to knockout in a fight and then there are the rival gangs like Valhalla which is not a spoiler by the way but am not naming the other gangs let’s just say after Valhalla??? things do get real AND I MEAN REAL. Number four anime or the manga OH BOY well for me I say go for the anime first because if you read the manga you will not stop until you make it to the current and final arc of the story plus the animation is pretty good you can not go wrong on other note I say the arc before the final one is my current favorite one out of all of them because the stakes are high maybe not as high as the current arc but again things get lit body start dropping and the SHTF real fast. NUMBER FIVE OVERALL go and pick this series up it is not finish so will not give a number like rating for this series instead I will say THE SERVANT RECONMENDS it is a great shonen/time travel story with romance BS violence school drama revenge and a determent protagonist willing take ass whippings for his friends and willing to put himself though trauma of seeing various bad timelines after the other to save his bae form truck kun.

Published by redserventx

Retro gamer tokusatsu anime & manga fan martial arts pro wrestling fan and over all nerd. I started this blog for the purposes of sharing my passions and interest to you the readers.

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