What i love about pro wrestling.

What i love about pro wrestling?…….A lot i love the lucha wrestlers mask and acrobatic wrestling style i love the looks and motifs of the new japan pro wrestling with the bullet club being one of my all time favorites.I love some of the many other wrestling promotions out there ranging form RING OF HONOR to anything that is remotely entertaining to look at.

I am currently more of a casual pro wrestling fan but only because i am a very busy man. Am mainly into AEW with chris jericho and kenny omega being the major reasons i keep track of there promotion. AEW in my eyes seems like a amalgamation of many motifs and genres form WWE NJPW and RING OF HONOR but that is just my personal opinion.

My current favorite pro wrestlers are the young bucks seriously those’s guys are like a mix of hardy boys and shawn michaels with some cowboy thrown in just for kicks. Lucha brothers because that match they had with the young bucks was like what happens when two groups with the same moves go at it.

The match was the best so case for AEW as a whole because they were saying this is what you have to look forward to watching our promotion. Dustin Rhodes now when he was golddust he did not become one of my favorites until they had him start showing off what he could do and i was like Geez man

Everybody know Dustin can wrestle the best of them it was criminal that they never just give him the world championship belt. Because this can is for real and when i saw him become out in this new motif. He look like straight rated m for manly i am not used to seeing him without that gold on.

I all so did not know he was the son of Dusty Rhodes not until i saw his match which told it and that his outfit was honoring his late father now that’s what’s up. How was his look? dark red with black and half face painted on i all so could tell he was shook.

By the the crowds cries when he made his entrance that was nice. Ok ok moving on chris jericho i soo did not know he was on new japan pro wrestling more thin once and when he made his first AEW entrance it was just so cool it look like a mix of his NJPW motif of the joker/crown look and his wwe style look. Luchasaurus i once saw him in a match on RING OF HONOR he look as tall as kain that is what caught my eye and his look is just awesome i love it am gonna have to see what he did on lucha underground.

Now for the man everybody loves the dude the man among men KENNY OMEGA come on you guys knew it was coming Kenny is just?..There is just something about him ranging form his motifs and wrestling style and his overall presents as a pro wrestler he has a very Japanese style to his wrestling with moves i have never seen before.

Between him and other wrestlers he stands out he is strong as hell as acrobatic as the young bucks and he can pull of the heel motif with the best of them. Kenny is one of the major selling points of AEW. I can not give you another reason why am into pro wrestling but i can recommend you watch what wrestling culture videos about top 10’s or just type in top 10 reasons why NJPW is awesome ether way just go for it.

Published by redserventx

Retro gamer tokusatsu anime & manga fan martial arts pro wrestling fan and over all nerd. I started this blog for the purposes of sharing my passions and interest to you the readers.

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