The fall of Zaid magenta and the Rise of Jack Fairlane

So here I am with a dead youtube channel with a lost rep and lost friends and I just realized I JUST MADE THE WORST MYSTAKE OF MY WHOLE LIFE. I stare at my own reflection in the bathroom mirror hating what I see and say two words. Fuck you I spit on the mirror am about to let my rage out then I stop and realize I done that before and look where it got me. No am not doing that again. I let out a breath slow and deep and then calmly walkout the door. I head for all my nerd shit my bronie crap star wars shit and look at all the other nerd shit in my room. I can’t be this way anymore I hate the person who hurt those people and lost the best people who mattered in my life. I spent all night boxing all my nerd shit am done afterwards am going to finish deleting all my social media accounts…. This is only the beginning.

Chapter two

1 month later after getting off work I head down to the local bowling alley to just hit a few hot ones before calling it a night. I pull out my flask of whiskey and take a drink ok tomorrow am gonna make some more finishing touches on my new thing I have been cooking up. Let me see OK I got ridded of all my nerd stuff and change out my wardrobe and mixed in a lot of Hawaiian shirts. Got myself a new naked succubus tattoo on my right arm and a green heart shaped one that reads. Honorary dad bod in mint condition other things I have done collecting magazines ranging form cars playboys and men’s health. I still need to make some more adjustments for this new anti nerd persona am working on. So what else am I missing? here do I need to do more?….of course I do. I am never going to be that piece of shit EVER AGAIN. I will not stop until I have remade myself into someone who is the complete opposite of that THAT THING that was me. Ok focus…..strikeeeee…..UH YEAH.

7 months later Chapter three

Jack. I turn my head and see my girl head my way waving at me to come and hurry up or will miss the ball game. I dash to my canary yellow ford mustang and drive off. Man it’s hard to believe that not to long ago. I was a dumb nerd asshole obsessive about star whores. Now I got a whole new life hot car nice girl working on rebuilding what relationship I can with my son. I made myself transform form a selfish bronie dickwad to a happy go lucky alpha male who spends half his check on orphans dates bowling and drinking at bars. Sigh I still miss my lost bro from a long time ago but that was my own fault. Christopher pansy pussy Cuntson is dead. Long live Jack Dane Fairlane…. Hail to the king baby.

Jack Fairlane never had any social media accounts he never had any smartphones calling them a distraction form enjoying life. He was one of the rare dudes that stills uses a pager.

Published by redserventx

Retro gamer tokusatsu anime & manga fan martial arts pro wrestling fan and over all nerd. I started this blog for the purposes of sharing my passions and interest to you the readers.

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