The fall of Zaid magenta and the Rise of Jack Fairlane

So here I am with a dead youtube channel with a lost rep and lost friends and I just realized I JUST MADE THE WORST MYSTAKE OF MY WHOLE LIFE. I stare at my own reflection in the bathroom mirror hating what I see and say two words. Fuck you I spit on the mirror …

What i love about pro wrestling.

What i love about pro wrestling?…….A lot i love the lucha wrestlers mask and acrobatic wrestling style i love the looks and motifs of the new japan pro wrestling with the bullet club being one of my all time favorites.I love some of the many other wrestling promotions out there ranging form RING OF HONOR …


Here is a comparison blog about two of my favorite anime shows mob psycho 100 and one punch man.I am going to compare animation story and over all entertainment value of each series. NUMBER ONE the animation ok here is what i did not like about one punch man season two the way the new …

Top 5 reasons to watch films form china Hong Kong and South Korea.

Here are some of the major reasons you want to start getting into films from over seas number one: The SJW agenda. OK OK i know that a lot of you guys are not blind about the current state of thing in american entertainment called SJW where folks are sacrificing good storytelling for a political …

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