The fall of Zaid magenta and the Rise of Jack Fairlane

So here I am with a dead youtube channel with a lost rep and lost friends and I just realized I JUST MADE THE WORST MYSTAKE OF MY WHOLE LIFE. I stare at my own reflection in the bathroom mirror hating what I see and say two words. Fuck you I spit on the mirror am about to let my rage out then I stop and realize I done that before and look where it got me. No am not doing that again. I let out a breath slow and deep and then calmly walkout the door. I head for all my nerd shit my bronie crap star wars shit and look at all the other nerd shit in my room. I can’t be this way anymore I hate the person who hurt those people and lost the best people who mattered in my life. I spent all night boxing all my nerd shit am done afterwards am going to finish deleting all my social media accounts…. This is only the beginning.

Chapter two

1 month later after getting off work I head down to the local bowling alley to just hit a few hot ones before calling it a night. I pull out my flask of whiskey and take a drink ok tomorrow am gonna make some more finishing touches on my new thing I have been cooking up. Let me see OK I got ridded of all my nerd stuff and change out my wardrobe and mixed in a lot of Hawaiian shirts. Got myself a new naked succubus tattoo on my right arm and a green heart shaped one that reads. Honorary dad bod in mint condition other things I have done collecting magazines ranging form cars playboys and men’s health. I still need to make some more adjustments for this new anti nerd persona am working on. So what else am I missing? here do I need to do more?….of course I do. I am never going to be that piece of shit EVER AGAIN. I will not stop until I have remade myself into someone who is the complete opposite of that THAT THING that was me. Ok focus…..strikeeeee…..UH YEAH.

7 months later Chapter three

Jack. I turn my head and see my girl head my way waving at me to come and hurry up or will miss the ball game. I dash to my canary yellow ford mustang and drive off. Man it’s hard to believe that not to long ago. I was a dumb nerd asshole obsessive about star whores. Now I got a whole new life hot car nice girl working on rebuilding what relationship I can with my son. I made myself transform form a selfish bronie dickwad to a happy go lucky alpha male who spends half his check on orphans dates bowling and drinking at bars. Sigh I still miss my lost bro from a long time ago but that was my own fault. Christopher pansy pussy Cuntson is dead. Long live Jack Dane Fairlane…. Hail to the king baby.

Jack Fairlane never had any social media accounts he never had any smartphones calling them a distraction form enjoying life. He was one of the rare dudes that stills uses a pager.

NXT is flames

ALL RIGHT all right i take back everything i once said about WWE raw is boring right now but NXT is the bees knees i just saw TAKE OVER and the match with io shirai was as awesome as her match he once had in lucha underground under the black lotus triad.

Which is my favorite match on NXT TAKE OVER. It’s so good that i had to find out why?.. so i did some digging and found out the triple h is the one calling the shots on everything NXT

And that it just has something that WWE RAW lacks with its creativity and story lines with new faces in wrestling i have not seen with a lot them having motifs that just catch eye like Mia Yim’s street motif that honestly remind it me of K/DA form league of legends neck of the woods which is not a bad thing.

I honestly just started to watch this branch of WWE but am going to see it can watch a lot more on my down time.

What i love about pro wrestling.

What i love about pro wrestling?…….A lot i love the lucha wrestlers mask and acrobatic wrestling style i love the looks and motifs of the new japan pro wrestling with the bullet club being one of my all time favorites.I love some of the many other wrestling promotions out there ranging form RING OF HONOR to anything that is remotely entertaining to look at.

I am currently more of a casual pro wrestling fan but only because i am a very busy man. Am mainly into AEW with chris jericho and kenny omega being the major reasons i keep track of there promotion. AEW in my eyes seems like a amalgamation of many motifs and genres form WWE NJPW and RING OF HONOR but that is just my personal opinion.

My current favorite pro wrestlers are the young bucks seriously those’s guys are like a mix of hardy boys and shawn michaels with some cowboy thrown in just for kicks. Lucha brothers because that match they had with the young bucks was like what happens when two groups with the same moves go at it.

The match was the best so case for AEW as a whole because they were saying this is what you have to look forward to watching our promotion. Dustin Rhodes now when he was golddust he did not become one of my favorites until they had him start showing off what he could do and i was like Geez man

Everybody know Dustin can wrestle the best of them it was criminal that they never just give him the world championship belt. Because this can is for real and when i saw him become out in this new motif. He look like straight rated m for manly i am not used to seeing him without that gold on.

I all so did not know he was the son of Dusty Rhodes not until i saw his match which told it and that his outfit was honoring his late father now that’s what’s up. How was his look? dark red with black and half face painted on i all so could tell he was shook.

By the the crowds cries when he made his entrance that was nice. Ok ok moving on chris jericho i soo did not know he was on new japan pro wrestling more thin once and when he made his first AEW entrance it was just so cool it look like a mix of his NJPW motif of the joker/crown look and his wwe style look. Luchasaurus i once saw him in a match on RING OF HONOR he look as tall as kain that is what caught my eye and his look is just awesome i love it am gonna have to see what he did on lucha underground.

Now for the man everybody loves the dude the man among men KENNY OMEGA come on you guys knew it was coming Kenny is just?..There is just something about him ranging form his motifs and wrestling style and his overall presents as a pro wrestler he has a very Japanese style to his wrestling with moves i have never seen before.

Between him and other wrestlers he stands out he is strong as hell as acrobatic as the young bucks and he can pull of the heel motif with the best of them. Kenny is one of the major selling points of AEW. I can not give you another reason why am into pro wrestling but i can recommend you watch what wrestling culture videos about top 10’s or just type in top 10 reasons why NJPW is awesome ether way just go for it.

Tokyo revengers review

Ok I know it has been awhile but stuff happens and here I am. Number one the story. Ok let me start off by telling you that this is one of the best time travel stories sense back to the future. it starts a man named Takemichi who is living in a rundown apartment with trash everywhere our unlikely hero is watching the news where he sees his ex lover form his school days killed in a traffic accident. fast foreword after going thought his everyday stuff he gets push off a train platform and is killed off scene where it then jumps to 2006 where he is a kid again where he used to be a wannabe thug after going though the whole day he ends up in a playground where he is talking to his girl’s brother Naoto here he tells him his sis is going to die in 12 years and to protect her when they shake hands. He jumps back to the his original timeline where he wakes up to find A adult Naoto to tell him yeah he did time travel but his sister still dies. So long stories short this is where our story begins. A long journey though time to change the fate of his friends and his lover. Ok Now I have check the manga out and a few episodes of the anime so am review this as a whole with no Spoilers. SHORT VERSION he has to join a old school bosuzuku gang rise to the top without any true combat skill and somehow change the future. The story is a very well written story where he goes back and change one thing but then this happens so he goes back again does this but then something else happens. The time travel rules are simple he can only go back 12 years to his own timeline and not anywhere else and he has to shake hands with someone closest to his personal timeline. Number two THE CHARACTERS takemichi is not your average shonen hero he is not a yusuke urameshi this guy is our underdog hero where his best feet of strength is his sheer toughness he can take a beating this guy does not believe in concussions really. He cries a lot though out the story but this guy will grow on you as the tale goes along. Then there is Mikey and Draken those dudes are black air forces incarnate Draken unlike Mikey is just a hood brother who fights with all the strength a mere street brawler as for Mikey his BFF he is one of the few characters with true martial skill under his belt but as the story goes there is a hidden darkside to him and this anime gets dark I mean real dark. My personal favorite character is smiley guy smiles while giving someone a raw beating what’s not to love here then there is Takemichi’s friends who would ride or die for him. Naoto is my second favorite one because aside form being the first true ally he has though out the course of the story. My man right here has a very high IQ he would have to be even understand have of this time travel stuff. Number three the fights oh boy the fights can get real out here in the anime the fights or so much more detailed and much more fun not saying the manga fights are not great because they are. You got our guy who can not be knockout and has in insane pain threshold and or other protagonist who is just the MVP of the gang. You got one scene where a guy punches someone so hard that it look like his neck broke and then you got smiley mounting and pounding while smiling a fool. Guys are you sure you are middle schoolers??? you guys are way to gangster for middle school. Number three THE VILLIANS hold hold hold on now this may be really spoiler alert warning here so for the sake of keeping it clean no names only nicknames form here on ok first to start off with this gang that takemichi is in will grow to be a major crime syndicate in his timeline can you believe a bike gang form middle school…never mind ok Tokyo majin gang rises to power and there is this one dude who is the main reason behind this let’s call him the bastard this guy has to be one of the best major anime villain’s in anime/manga history this guy is as smart as Naoto maybe smarter and can throw hands better then Takemichi but don’t get it twisted he is just a basic hood fighter and then you have his right hand man with the ink on his hand who like Take can be all most impossible to knockout in a fight and then there are the rival gangs like Valhalla which is not a spoiler by the way but am not naming the other gangs let’s just say after Valhalla??? things do get real AND I MEAN REAL. Number four anime or the manga OH BOY well for me I say go for the anime first because if you read the manga you will not stop until you make it to the current and final arc of the story plus the animation is pretty good you can not go wrong on other note I say the arc before the final one is my current favorite one out of all of them because the stakes are high maybe not as high as the current arc but again things get lit body start dropping and the SHTF real fast. NUMBER FIVE OVERALL go and pick this series up it is not finish so will not give a number like rating for this series instead I will say THE SERVANT RECONMENDS it is a great shonen/time travel story with romance BS violence school drama revenge and a determent protagonist willing take ass whippings for his friends and willing to put himself though trauma of seeing various bad timelines after the other to save his bae form truck kun.


Here is a comparison blog about two of my favorite anime shows mob psycho 100 and one punch man.I am going to compare animation story and over all entertainment value of each series.

NUMBER ONE the animation ok here is what i did not like about one punch man season two the way the new studio drew metal or whatever they did it just does not look right. It just looks off putting to me and how madhouse drew steel. Genos who is a fan favorite looks just straight terrible this season.

I just don’t understand where they were going with this CGI metal chrome look? sigh….But don’t get me wrong sometimes the animation looks fine like the fight with Garou and Tank top master i think that was one of the moments where the animation was at its best.

Downside is because of the way they were going with the CGI there are moments when you are watching it and then out of nowhere CGI comes in and takes me out of the show.

Mob psycho 100 on the other hand for me it’s style of animation is being influence by the original creator One. I know folks complain a lot about One’s art style but honestly his style is not that bad i mean if they can animate this art style there is no way his style sucks.

Now for the animation well it is just endearing to me because there is some episodes that just…you can see the raw emotion of characters and there expressions and feelings in the animation of the show as for fights i will save that for the next part.

NUMBER TWO FIGHTS…One punch man’s fights range form pretty good to not as good as last season where you are watching a fight but then you see the major weekness come out which is the animation.

Best fights i like were Metal bat vs Garou Metal bat vs elder centipede and Garou vs Tank top master.Fights i did not like where Genos vs Sonic which was my favorite in the manga but there CGI metal genos does not work for me as for the other fights like the ones in the tournament arc i did not care for them.

Mob psycho 100……Brothers and sisters if you like the fights form season 1? you are going to lose your stuff this season with Mob ok ok SPOILERS because i need to be free to write about this ok we good here we go. All most every fight with Mob in it was my favorite fight but my all time favorite was shimazaki vs teru and friends/Ex claw members form last season.

Because all the effects with him using his esper powers was just awesome him porting everywhere and the part where he pulls out his minds eye the moment i saw that scene i was like everybody get’s wreak. So yeah Mob went all out with there fights this time around especially there villains speaking off villains?

NUMBER THREE THE VILLAINS…All right one punch man kind of lose this one because of there new villain protagonist Garou who is mixed for me there are somethings i like about him but went it comes to a origin story for villains his is rather week.

I don’t know the story in general this time around is slow because the second part is going to be better but i will talk about that in a second. The monster association i really could not get anything form them at present but the idea is good just not done well.

Like i know Garou is the main character for this arc it is just that went i think about it. I wonder why could they not give us more backstory and time with this monster association? i would have like to get to see more of the villains of this group but you know why we don’t get to learn more?…Because we don’t get to find out until next season.

There flat ok the bad guys here are flat so again set up. Now Mob psycho 100 villains….There great ok they are just interesting. And that went the story gets to the main point this season and the real story begins.You see that our heroes got off easy last time.

But this time around they have to deal with high level big bad’s ranging form a teleporter and a shadow king level esper that is the final boss of season two the facts are that went you get to the villains origins and reasons for why they are doing this you really get into the anime and it keeps you into it.

NUMBER FOUR THE STORY I know i should have talk about this first but i had to get the thing i hated most about out of the way but here we go.Story wise Mob psycho 100 takes it again because unlike one punch man this season Mob makes the first few episodes a set up and makes the last half of the episodes.

The major story of the season which is great because one punch man’s whole S2 is just one big set up for next season which is why it just comes out flat went compared Mob’s S2 in general One punch man S2 is about the rise of the villain know as Garou which is mainly just us seeing who saitama is going to beat later so again not very interesting.

Mob psycho 100 S2 on the other hand is like season 1 but it’s just continuing the story form last season where Mob goes back to his normal life dealing with thugs trying like hell to rob him and fail it..No wonder they call him mob.

But after some filler the same enemies he had to deal with last time comeback for more only this time he has to deal with foes that are all most just as powerful as him and they are not playing.

OVERALL The winner for me is clearly Mob psycho 100 S2 because one animation takes it right off the bat the story is done in a way where half is filler the other half is the main story but stuff form the filler does effect the main arc of the story.As for rating i say One punch gets 3 out of 5 not bad just not as great as last season and Mob gets 5 out of 5 a sheer masterpiece.

Dr stone Review.

Dr stone is one of the best surprises for me this year.Hands down one of the best new hits out right now. I watch the first few episodes and i liked what i seen form this series so far.

THE STORY. The story is about a normal highschooler who is about to confess his feeling to the girl he is in love with when a mysterious light turns everyone form human and birds into stone.

It starts taiju oki our book dumb hero of the story and the super smart senku ishigami ok i think the mangaka knew he mess up and that taiju can not carry the story not with his lack of skills and persona. You see taiju is a strong labor worker but unlike the big bad of the story he is no fighter he is non violent.

Which means that he had to give the role of lead character to senku but by doing this he had to give senku his very own flashback episode which mirrors the very first episode of Dr stone which was great.

I swear that when they made it to the part about gun powder i said ok it sounds like you would need at less salt peter sulfur and charcoal but the question i had was how where they going to get there hands on the salt peter? and when they answered the question i was like oh i did not know that.

If you ask me this gives away that the writer/mangaka must have ether did his research or has a background major in science. Man i love it when writers add there own know how in there stories it just gives it more of a edge over most stories.

But enough about that before we get into the villains part let me first tell you about one more part that tell me he change his mind and had to make senku the current main of the story. He had to give him a new sub character who could keep up with him.

Because we all know it could not be taiju he pick a pre science type character named Chrome who is all most just as smart as senku but he is held back by his lack of knowledge which senku brings to the table to help him with. This was one of the smartest moves the mangaka made story wise.

The villains. OK the first bad guy of the arc is a brawn over brains type character named  Tsukasa Shishio, “The Strongest Primate High Schooler. What do i think about him well he can fight and has a high intellect but his intelligence is more the cunning of in animal rather then the book smarts of senku’s.

This is one of senku’s most dangerous foes in the current arc of the story and that he can not beat him in a one on one fight. He has to fight him with his mind and that is what makes there conflict interesting. Tsukasa whats to start a new age based on strength with only young folks around while senku wants to start one based on science and the love of knowledge.

Tsukasa maybe strong and capable of killing lions with his bare hands it is all most nothing compared to the inventions that senku brings to the world like oh sorry am not going to say because i read the manga two so i all ready know what is coming for the anime version.

Dr stone is a great series that takes a brake form the over used tropes of martial arts action based manga which can just be a rehash of much better stories don’t get me wrong i love a good fight sometimes but i just want something with a bit more of a story behind it. I give Dr stone a well earn 5 out of 5.

Born of night review

Here is my review of one of my all time favorite books burn of night.Story time when i first read this i was a older teen in a local library when i was just looking for some audio books to read and then by chance i found this first book in a start of a awesome series by dark hunter writer sherrilyn kenyon.

I loved this book when i first finished it ok the story is set in another universe that has elements of our world where the English language is know as universal. This world you get space pirates assassins outlaw heroes and princes and empires all that star warsy stuff.

THE STORY Nykyrian Quikiades was a command assassin for the league but when he is given one order that goes beyond his morals he turns his back on the organization and goes on the run.

And took up the identity of nemesis and started his own rebel group know as The sentella to protect and fight against the corrupt government that made him the Legendary assassin that he is today.

Fast forward Kiara Zamir princess and famous dancer is kidnap and taken prisoner on a ship where she gets save by the nemesis and the rogue assassin group sentella and this where our story starts.

You see this series starts off as a romantic novel but in order to get to the part where the books evolve into the awesomeness that is Born of legend you have to start here where it all begins.

The characters Nykyrian is Rated m for manly he is a amalgamation of two of kenyons characters form the dark hunter verse nick and kyrian of thrace. He has a past filled with blood betrayal and violence.

Not getting into spoilers here but long stories short his childhood is a big part of not only who he is but of one of the major twist near the end of the book. skills and powers because of his Half-Human nature he has enhanced strength super hearing and senses.

combat training form the league he has advanced combat skills military background and vast knowledge of the grim art of death there is a reason he was the greatest assassin the league has ever produce.  

Kiara Zamir she is the female lead of our story her past is not as bad as nyk’s but her backstory is simple she is royalty and a lot of folks want royal’s dead combat wise she is a scraper but nothing to write home about.  

She starts that story one way but in the end she goes form being a young girl to being a more wiser strong and mature woman. She is naive in the beginning but that naivete hinds a surprising toughness.

C I sin is nyk’s best friend with a past that is all most as bad as his. story wise he is a set up for the next book born of fire but i would skip that one. He goes form felon to doctor to assassin with a Ph’d he is one of my favorite characters.

THE VILLAINS Not much to say about them they range form the psychotic to completely insane Aksel Bredah is one of nyk’s crazy adoptive brothers this guy hates him to the point of madness again not much to say about him so moving on. 

My take on the novel now is it is not as good as some of the later books in the series she releases with born of fury being the start of some of her better novels which the very best currently is born of legend but like i said please read at less some of the first books first.

Before you read legend please read the book born of night on its own is just a romantic novel and if you read some of her other works like dark hunter then you will be right at him here.Again i like the book but it is just hold down by the fact that it is a romantic novel. 4 out of 5

The looking glass wars Review

OHH BOY if you have not even read this you are missing out because this right here should have had a movie a long time ago.

Here is my review of the looking glass wars this is a story about a girl named Alice who spells her name alysss is a girl who is trying to tell people the truth.

Where she comes form a world through the looking glass where wars rage with razor sharp card shooters deadly bodyguards that use lethal armaments ranging form wrist blades to hat saws to assassins.

Assassins that can transform form cat to werecat in seconds. This is the world of the looking glass wars a novel so good that i honestly wish that they made it a live action movie. But honestly if they made something like this now it would likely have SJW scrap thrown in.

THE PLOT the story starts our heroine alyss heart who is the long lost princess of the queendom of wonderland where a childhood tragedy strikes as her aunt Redd murders her father and mother and steals the queendom for herself but before her assassin.

Known as THE CAT can take her life her loyal bodyguard Hatter madigan takes her to the pool of tears and into our world of 17th century England where he loses track of her. And this is where his comic book series starts but that is a tell for maybe another time.

All right when i first pick this up by pure chance at a library i was so shook at what i was reading it was just…No words for how good this book was and when i found out that is was apart of a trilogy of novels.

Yeah i binge read all three of them i had to it was just that great of a trilogy. And to this day it is one of my all time favorite novels the first one being my most favorite of the three.

THE CHARACTERS Aylss heart is one of the best female leads i have read and that she goes through conflicts and real personal growth and that you really feel for what she has last and what she has to do in order to fit in with common people in a foreign world. DODGE ANDERS ok this guy could give sasuke form naruto a run for his money but he does it in a none emo way his tale is one of last heartbreak and revenge.

He serves as the love interest for our lead heroine he was the son of a place guard captain before the cat killed him and that fuels his hunger for revenge.He is the badass normal trope the master swordsmen of the group.HATTER MADIGAN ok brothers and sisters this is the man the myth the Legendary hatter madigan.

A character so good that he earn his own comic book series about his adventures in England looking for princess aylss heart this guy fits the tropes of improbable weapon user and weaponized headgear hatter is a man of many blades he is the knife in the night the mystery man and the special agent.

The villains. Redd heart born as rose heart is basically a borderline psychopath and fits the tropes of axe crazy her hitman is the cat who fits the dragon trope. as for the other bad guys there is jack of diamonds who is the Quisling trope and if you want to know what real toxic masculinity this is him.

He embodies no strength no virtue no honor and no true value he is a gross character you will hate him.I Promise you that. at less Redd is a dark action girl. Other then that there is something else i have to talk to you about.

THE WORLD BUILDING. All right folks we have finally made it here to the best part of this book.And that is the world building a where the England part is classic Victorian the world of wonderland is just awesome to read about. What form the weapons like card shooters card soldier robots glass eye androids traveling through mirrors and the magic power of this setting.

imagination is the major magic used in this setting with this power a person could do just about anything like think fullmetel alchemist but without the same weaknesses of said power.Facts are that the only weakness i seen with this power in there world has to do with contact to the Heart Crystal but that is quickly dismissed in later novels but all imagination is like THE FORCE meets?…alchemy form the anime fullmetal alchemist or reality warping.

But don’t take my word on that because i could be completely wrong about it. The final overall rank for this masterpiece is A 5 out of 5. hands down a must read if you are one of the 2 percent of folks who do read go read it on audio or print 5 out of 5 have a nice day.


OK ok i know some folks are not into free to play games but i have been interested in this one for years and when i finally played it? was good for awhile

But soon i realized that there is a lot of grinding so much so that it would take mouths to even get enough in game money to spend it on the best items and fighting style/scrolls in the game.

What is the game about? well the game is trying to mix super smash tekken kof etc but with no arcade mode and with a community that is somewhat lacking in wanting to play with you

It could make playing the game kind of boring now do play every now and then when i got nothing to do. But i have a hard time recommending it for folks who may have something better to play like league of legends.

Things i did like about the game custom character plus a large library of fighting styles to pick form the downsides. EVERYTHING IS TO EXPENSIVE to where you have to ether pay for the stuff you want and grind for mouths just to make your character the way you want it to be.

Here is my guide to playing if you want to at less try the game out. Pick the alchemist class and use the boxing scroll while you still have it right then just grind AI mode and spam the one two punch combo move.

So the computer can not stop you from make combos but set the ai for normal right.Then just keep making 35 hits on the computer so the game can throw you free in game money and items when you level up but don’t keep any of it because when you beat survival mode.

ALL THE FREE GEAR YOU EARN WILL BE TAKEN AWAY.So you should focus on your in game currency while you have it which should be a lot if you did it right can get you some free items/scrolls. And by the best scrolls/styles shoot boxing is a spam easy scroll to use that and dragon is a good one but you may want to go with rage instead.

You can all so go with the no need for RC package if you have enough which will give you kingpin not a easy scroll but still a good one that plus stinger which is a slow but stronger version of shoot boxing.

If you just one to play it’s a ok game but if you want something else that does that require you to grind or use real money I say go else where maybe league of legends? 3 out of 5.

Top 5 reasons to watch films form china Hong Kong and South Korea.

Here are some of the major reasons you want to start getting into films from over seas

number one: The SJW agenda.

OK OK i know that a lot of you guys are not blind about the current state of thing in american entertainment called SJW where folks are sacrificing good storytelling for a political agenda no one cares about. I get the freedom of speech and all but the facts are no one goes to the movies to get a message about your options we go to the movies to be entertained not for subliminal brain washing sorry folks.

Number two: Hollywood has ran out of ideas for original stories. Gone is the great age of storytelling where people would come up with new ideas form being inspired by old ideas and classic tales form the past. A good example would be the original star wars movies where toy boy Lucas wanted to make a Flash Gordon film but could not get the rights to make one so instead he mix a bunch of classic stories and elements together to make one of the most timeless trilogy’s of all time. Fast forward and now we don’t that we get sequels prequels remakes and so on rather then original stories that were inspired by old tales but in South Korea?

My goodness you got the Villainess which can be seen as another La Femme Nikita but don’t get it twisted this movie is it’s own thing another great one is the man who came form nowhere. A great film I saw this year was immortal demon slayer the legend of sun wukong which was a awesome movie go see it but bottom line you will not get content like this form Hollywood sorry folks.

Number three: There films are just catching up to them. All right here it is some of there films just have a longer list of genres to choose form china has the Wuxia genre which is now one of my personal favorites now some of them suck OK but this movie called THE FOUR just blow me away when I saw it for the first time i was amazed now I would just find myself watching the movie again and again. Now I have not watched all three films yet but so far I loved what I seen then I took a look at what kind of films we have to look forward to in 2020? well 007 is a chick who may or may not be gay? Marvel films are going to start sucking now because somebody invented the term woke and we are still going to get way to many remakes rather then original content. Meanwhile, in China somebody just film movies called the wolf warrior 1 and 2 OK I will admit that part two does have some agenda behind it because of the whole Africa and China thing but I still like the movie I don’t love it I like it and I can see why it was a major hit in china but I would say go watch the first one before you watch part two because you may not even like it. Number four: sigh….It is just not the time to be watching modern Hollywood cinema. Well, my brothers and sisters I wish I could say this is the best time to be living but we all know that somewhere along the line something happen? I am still not sure when this stuff went down but by the time I knew what was going on it was the age of disillusionment. A time where folks lose or throw away common sense for nonsense where folks stop thinking about facts and only thing about enforcing alternative ways of thought where if you so much as say you do not agree with there way of thinking then you get called a bigot man baby or homophobic Transphobic Cis or worst then that just form having a opinion? the age of free thinking is falling and fast so am choosing not to be apart of it by not entering into there conversations or engage in there way of thinking. Am just going to stick to my own line and stick to my affairs like this blog so if you like me are tired of this age of disillusionment then I recommend to stay as far away for this as possible. Number five: OK OK the best reason you want to get into these films? They are just freaking awesome movies these films are not something you are ever going to see out of Hollywood’s snot-hole these films just kick the bricks off of most modern USA movies the raid 1 and 2 my wife is a gangster series raging phoenix scandal makers punch lady Kung Fu killer and journey to the west series or if you love horror take. a look at train to Busan. As for ways to watch these films? easy stream or rent for free at a local library my favorite. Well I hope I have given you folks OK reasons for why you might want to check out what Hong Kong mainland china south Korea and Bangkok is up to in the house of ideas.

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